Thursday, 16 February 2012


Posted by mashidayu samsidi at 10:35

 Danone Dumex is part of Danone, a Fortune 500 company and one of the most successful healthy food companies in the world. It is operated since 1958. The latest, Dumex has create their own facebook and website. They provide a special club for the public which call as Dumex Mama Club. It is a club exclusively for mums and mums-to-be where customers can find guidance and share knowledge about pregnancy and motherhood. Other than that, their customers can connect with others to share tips, as well as receive helpful information and advice from Dumex. For those who has joined the club, they has received free goodies and will also be the first to know about Dumex promotions, contests and giveaways. The very special things in their facebook are customers can meet with their CareLine team at anytime via email, calling and by sending a text (SMS). They are dedicated to helping their customers on journey of pregnancy and parenthood. Whether customers need assistance on what food to avoid during pregnancy, tips to travel with their tots or anything else on their mind, just give them a call. All of them on the Dumex CareLine team have plenty of experience talking to mums-to-be and mums. Dumex provide the forum part in their facebook too. All the topic and issues will be discussed in here.



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