Thursday, 16 February 2012


Posted by mashidayu samsidi at 10:45

HABIB Mohamed Abdul Latif started this business in 1958 when he was in his twenties. Habib is a leading Malaysian jeweller founded in 1958 that retails the widest collection of certified diamonds, gemstones and gold jewelry at competitive prices with detailed workmanship. The value of every piece of Habib jewellery is worth far mare than its proverbial weight in gold.The company also carries an extensive line of in-house jewelry brand collections as well as international brands. With 23 showrooms and growing, we seek to continue our belief in building the trust our valued consumers have in us by providing superior quality jewelry at the fairest prices with that special personal touch. Habib’s designs were a fusion of malay, Chinese and Indian elements. Habib jewels use facebook to build a community around their business and promote their company.Furthermore, facebok can connect with more than 800 million potential customers and facilitate the delivery of information to the customer  about their location. If I am marketing manager it will make me easier to promote my company to others and can build relationship either in long term and short term.


Anonymous said...

Seorang lelaki asnaf fakir miskin. Berada dalam keadaan daif dan hidup dalam serba kekurangan. Sesiapa yang ingin menghulurkan sumbangan wang secara ikhlas, boleh derma ke akaun maybank 151089317354 Adila Bin Suboh. Terima kasih.


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