Saturday, 13 October 2012

HE know you the best!!! :)

Posted by mashidayu samsidi at 02:53
hye guys!!! ok itz been quit long since i never write anything here. hmmm...act the main purpose of diz blog utk 1 of my subject kt campus ni. but disebabkn subject tu dh abs n now i dh pn ke semester yg lain, so i change the purpose of diz blog drp tuk fulfill subject requirement pnye psl kpd i punye life sendri..hehehe..
nk gtau i've been standing for my final exam!! hhuuaarrgghh!! tension..n bese la ble time2 exam cmni byk sgt ujian n cabaran len which i need to face them all!! but diz sem i found it much more tougher than b4. i ni jenis yg mmg sgt benci nangis especially in front of others. so seterok mne pn, i choose to keep it rather than tell it. (tp kadang2 klu dh xtahan sgt tumpah jgk air mata ni..) nk djadikan story...sem ni i d'uji skali lg. sgale mslh yg berat2 nk dtg dlm satu mse. serious tension!! tp be patient!! thatz the only word i always whispered to myself.ble jd cmni..i slalu igt. ALLAH masih sygkn kite, sbb tu dy uji kite. dy xnk kite lupe dy n lalai ngn kbahgiaan idop kt dnie yg sementara ni. sbb kite ni ble dh ssh bru nk cri DIA..ble sng kite lupe. so i b'syukur sgt ats kesusahan yg dberi least ble xde tempat i nk mgadu..i cri DIA..coz i know He is the only one who understand the most. ssh kite nk jumpe kawan sejati dlm dnie ni.kwn time nk huha-huha tu rmai la.n klu ade the special one in our heart,,xslalu dy ade mse utk kite.mnusia ni prangai nye berubah ubah..ade mse kite la ratu, n kadang2 kite cm hantu yg ade kt sekeliling dowg tp dowg xprasan pn..thats the nature guys!! so kowg2 sume. if ade mslh jom kite sme2 mgadu kt DIA. tp bkn time de mslh je tau cri dy..yg 5 waktu tu pn jgn lupe! (peringatan tuk diri i jgk).. bg i bile dahi bertemu sejadah,,itulah yg paling indah!! try it!! n u will feel the joy of being with HIM.. =D



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