Saturday, 17 December 2011


Posted by mashidayu samsidi at 12:25

Information technology changing the face of Texas farm management

Logan Hawkes
Dec. 13, 2011 11:52am
Smart phones, iPads and social networking are considered by many to be a popular craze limited to a younger generation, but a team of Texas AgriLife extension economists believe the information technology explosion has already reached farm and field and say now is the time producers should embrace it to better manage crops throughout the year and eventually move them from field to market at maximum profit.
“If you would have told me a couple of years ago that I would be using an iPad in the field the way most farmers use other tools, I would have thought you were crazy,” says Dr. Jackie Smith, an economist at Texas AgriLife Extension in Lubbock. “But the truth is many producers are already using their smart phones and special applications in the field and it is making life and farm management easier than ever before.”
Smith and fellow extension economist Jay Yates have been working on developing new applications –called apps in modern tech lingo—for use on smart phones and iPads, and say the new devices are proving to be an asset to producers who need to stay on top of every aspect of growing and marketing their crops, from determining crop insurance risks and developing marketing plans to optimizing irrigation water allocations and more.
“There are already a number of apps available that producers have been using, some related to tracking the weather and soil conditions for example, and we have been working for some time on developing an app we call the profitability project that helps producers keep up with ongoing production costs. This gives them command of their breakeven and profit objectives,” Smith adds.
He says not long ago it was the “under-thirty group” using iPhones and iPads for both professional and social purposes, but that trend is now catching on with older producers who are looking for a faster, better way to get the information they need to manage and market their crops.
“Farmers can now enter data regularly to help them keep up with how they are doing in the crop year, like how much they have spent on seed or fertilizer. As harvest rolls around, they know with the push of a button how much they have in a particular crop and what they will need to get to break even or make a profit,” Smith said.
Perhaps best of all is an app that helps the producer track market prices to help move crops at the optimum time.
Sources: By Logan Hawkes



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