Nilai, 1st April 2009-Third year students from Food Biotechnology program of Faculty of Science and Technology had organized ‘A Product Day’ which took place at the foyer of Faculty of Leadership and Management. This has been the second program organized by the faculty and it has been considered as an annual program for them.
The purpose of this program is to prepare some sort of platform for the students to demonstrate their talents, abilities and creativity in inventing new food products. 42 third year students which were divided into 6 groups took part in this special program. In this program, each group will be required to invent a new food product. By this, the students will have to use their creativity and learning experiences to accomplish their tasks.
Among the interesting products that had been introduced in the one day program were Soy Yogurt Drink, Sunny Kochee Flakes, Mushroom Nuggets, Chilli Cube, Nutri-breakfast and Premix Keropok Lekor.
The best product won by Chilli Cube which was named Chiqubee. While the second and third places respectively went to Sunny Kochee Flakes and Soy Yogurt Drink.
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