Thursday, 19 January 2012


Posted by mashidayu samsidi at 20:32

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) through the Astronomy & Atmospheric Science Research Unit (UPIFSA) now owns a digital planetarium STARLAB that acts as a venue to display the true conditions of the sky for purposes of education and simulation in astronomy.
STARLAB is interesting because various simulations of sky conditions can be seen without having to go out into the field or waiting for nightfall because a realistic view of the sky can be seen in the digital planetarium.The experience in the STARLAB mobile digital planetarium can be shared with the public in the near future through outreach programmes conducted by UPIFSA.The coordinator of UPIFSA, Assoc. Prof. Nasirun Salleh said that besides sky simulations for purposes of education in astronomy, the planetarium also serves as a projector for screening films and also 3D films.He said that the STARLAB digital planetarium system is from the United States and is USM UPIFSA’s latest acquisition. USM UPIFSA had to wait almost three years for the dome to be put in place so that it could be shared with the public.“This mobile digital planetarium system is an important asset in the outreach programmes run by UPIFSA and is expected to attract more people to the field of astronomy,” he said.He said this after the launching of the planetarium by the USM Deputy Vice- Chancellor for Academic and International Affairs), Prof. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal here, today.Nasirun said that planetariums have been in existence since time immemorial and in the early years, the physical structure is more towards a system of light rays and shadows of celestial objects beamed from inside a dome.“With the current technology, the planetarium has experienced its own evolution. It has changed from only simulating the movement of the moon and the sun to a digital planetarium.  In the digital planetarium, pictures/images created in the dome are more realistic and interesting. Moreover, various software applications can be used to get swift and accurate sky simulations,” he explained.The STARLAB digital planetarium system consists of a special projector modified for use in the dome where images or light will be beamed through the projector and passed through fish eye lens that will display high resolution images all over the dome.Apart from the special dome, STARLAB is also equipped with Starry Night Pro software application that can provide a picture of the sky at anytime and in any location on earth and in space.



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