Thursday, 26 January 2012

UM to Host Informatics 2009

Posted by mashidayu samsidi at 04:56

THE Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya will host the International Conference on Informatics and Technology (Informatics 2009) on Oct 27- 28.
The event, in collaboration with the Malaysian National Computer Confederation, will highlight the latest issues in the research and development of information and communications technology (ICT) in relation to Green ICT.
Faculty dean Dr David Ngo says with the theme ICT Opportunities in the Current Global Recession, the conference seeks to highlight new opportunities for using informatics and technologies to solve problems in the current economic environment.
"Organisations, businesses and governments have been thrust into unprecedented challenges with the recession.
"However, challenges have a flip side as they also bring opportunities for those who can creatively apply innovative solutions to survive these uncertain times, including educational technology to tackle high dropout rate and security technology to solve high crime rate.
"This is termed as Soft Green Technology -- which aims to reduce wastage and improve productivity for ICT."



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